Thursday 14 August 2014

Vitamins for our nervous system

Vitamins - the most valuable substances necessary for full activity of the human body. In general, all of the vitamins strengthen nervous system and are involved in protecting it from destructive factors. But there is a substance that can affect certain functions of our psychological and physiological activity. Therefore, if you feel tired , you have too long a bad mood, you have the feeling of anxiety and depression, worried about a bad dream, the first thing you need to think about the lack of certain vitamins.

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Vitamin A is involved in the normalization of sleep slows down the process of wear of nerve cells and the aging process in general. It occurs in a variety of foods: beef, baked sweet potatoes, raw carrots , dried apricots, egg yolk, cheddar cheese, peaches, grilled halibut and butter.

  Vitamin C improves mental and physical performance. It protects against strong emotions, producing anti-stress hormones. Vitamin C is in fruit: melon , kiwi, oranges, mangoes, grapefruit, gooseberries, lemons and watermelons. It is present in vegetables: peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, potatoes and spinach.

Vitamins for our nervous systemVitamin E is shown for chronic fatigue syndrome and high physical activity, a vitamin health and wellness. It is necessary to complete the work of the brain. Contained in the following products: almonds and hazelnuts, sunflower oil, canned spinach, beans and fried egg.
Vitamin B1 is used as an antidepressant. He is well removes any kind of alarm, attention disorders, inability to concentrate or excessive activity, nervousness. It needs to be used to increase appetite, lost because of nervous feelings. It also improves learning ability. Well struggling with problems of growth. Contained in seaweed , skimmed milk powder, oats, buckwheat, millet. Vitamin B6 helps with insomnia, fatigue.

 It normalizes the memory and is a source of good mood. Lack of this vitamin show excessive nervousness and so-called "antsy." Present in most of the conventional foods: liver, beef, bananas, pistachios, mashed potatoes, pork chops, seeds, dried prunes, milk, orange juice, white bread. B12 contains a substance that strengthens the protection of the brain from the adverse effects.
 This substance is able to deal with toxic products of metabolism that lead to memory loss and weakening of mental activity. "By protecting the nervous system from the adverse effects and extending full brain function in the elderly, B12 thereby prevents premature aging." The effect of this vitamin protects nerve fibers from damage and maintains the ability to reproduce. He is a very good help with apathy and feel unwell when you do not want to do anything, and even every movement brings fatigue.

 Found in most seafood - clams, oysters, crabs, tuna, halibut, as well as beef, liver, milk, yogurt, fried pork chops, sausages, eggs, chicken and ice cream. Vitamin D is involved in the utilization of calcium and phosphorus needed for strong bones and teeth. As you know, we get it from sunlight, tanning on the beach or just for a walk, the main thing - it is a natural solar ultraviolet.
A stay in the sun, nature will improve your mood and get rid of any blues. So depressed and depression treat the spring sunshine. And do not limit the output: even during the working day, try to find a way to go out for five minutes (on the street, on the balcony, open the window) and look at the sun. BUT! Do not forget one simple rule: everything is good in moderation.

No need to "overeat" vitamins or one and the same product, or an overabundance of nutrients will cause harm. It is best to drink the spring one multivitamin and often try to use those products that contain vitamin that you particularly need. And another thing: the right thing - to find time to consult a doctor (or at least with your health care practitioner).

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