Monday 21 July 2014

Fiber: best friend slimming

Contribute to a better saturation. The more fiber in the product (leaders on its content - rye bran ), the faster we will not be satisfied, and longer experience hunger after its use. The mechanism is simple - in the stomach tissue absorbs water (like a sponge to wash dishes), and swells

 , creating a sense of fullness in the stomach. Since it is not digested, it will be long delayed us in the abdomen (stomach honestly tries to cope with it, but alas ...). Consequently, long hunger makes itself know - because the stomach is essentially complete.

Improve digestion and cleanse the body. Fiber passes through the stomach "in transit", the path of absorbing harmful substances: Toxins, cholesterol, fatty acids. Getting into the intestine, it provides its purification (will not describe a complex physiological process that facilitates this).

 As a result, you get rid of constipation and a small tummy, typical for women with irregular stools. For extra weight he has nothing to do, but how much experience delivers because of the inability to wear clothing line with exaggerated waist !

Non-nutritive. Since fiber is not absorbed by the body, it is not a source of energy for it. In fact, it - the extra ballast! That's why its rich savory fruit, green vegetables and berries are low in calories.

As for the actual energy value of whole-grain bread and cereals, fiber-rich, everything is not so simple. Yes, sprouted grain bread, raw brown rice, bulgur and barley grits can not be called low-calorie products: 100 g of finished garnish of large - about 150 calories, bread - 200-250, which is practically the same as in the white rice or wheat bread. But consider the fact that the processing of fiber stomach wastes energy. Consequently, mentally subtract a certain amount of calories from your useful garnish (just do not reset its calorie content - believe me, we are talking about a few dozen) and congratulate yourself for a successful choice.

Nuances norms

The daily requirement for fiber - 25-30 grams, and for women who want to lose weight - all 40. Important nuance: dial the 40 grams needed from various sources - like vegetables and whole grains.

The fact that the fiber composition in the fruit and vegetables by their structure differs from cereal: first better adsorbs toxic substances, its fibers are soft, the second - the best bowel cleans and absorbs fatty acid (1 g fiber grains can absorb up to 7 grams of fat!) with coarse fibers. While nutritionists consider the optimal 1:3 ratio - ie fiber with soft fibers losing weight should be used in an amount of 10 grams (maximum - 15) per day, and rough - 25-30. In terms of products get around this set: three 30-gram piece of wholemeal bread (10 g), carrots (3 g), the big apple (4 g), 300 g of the four types of cereal grains in the water (6 g), a cup of berries (4 g), a large portion of salad of cabbage and cucumber (3 g), large pear or banana (4 g), whole-grain pasta dish or a side dish of brown rice (8 g) and wholegrain toast (1 g).

Fiber: dieters best friend - photo 2
You find it difficult to imagine how to organize themselves such a diet ? Agree, those who work and dine in the cafe or dining room, breakfast and supper, and not too tight to ensure the rate of fiber products is difficult. Therefore, nutritionists recommend to add in food rye, wheat and oat bran, which are the leaders in its content. But not mindlessly pour them for food, guided by the principle of "more is better" and following certain rules - otherwise may have health problems - indigestion, beriberi and other troubles.

Simple rules

Finally the author asked for advice from a nutritionist, deputy chief physician of the clinic "weight factor" Marina Studenikina and learned five main rules for the use of bran.

Stick to 30-40 grams per day (3-4 tbsp. L) . Thus, you get 16-18 grams of fiber, for the most part - the rough. Rate should not exceed - coarse fibers can injure delicate mucosal tissue of the stomach. If we consider that the problems with the gastrointestinal tract have every second woman, do not be lazy to measure out the dose of bran spoons and not by eye.

Diversify types of bran: foods with not only wheat and rye, but also breakfast. Last, like fruits and vegetables, contain soft fiber, which excrete cholesterol and toxins. With a deficit of plant foods in the diet should not neglect them: let about a third of the daily value (10 g) bran will come through them.

Eat them for 2-3 hours before or after taking complexes with fat-soluble vitamins or drugs with Omega-3 , as well as foods rich in these substances

 . The fact that the fiber composition in the bran absorbs and removes from the body not only harmful substances like cholesterol, but also useful - those that belong to the class of fatty acids which can lead to deterioration of the skin and hair. Therefore sources containing Omega-3 (fatty fish, flaxseed oil), costs have some time after eating bran.

Wash down bran water (or dilute them in water). Important point in the use of bran should increase the amount of free fluid in the diet, otherwise it may cause constipation. If before your rate is about 1.5 liters per day, further still drink half a liter of liquid - per day to get two liters of free fluid, which is equivalent to eight glasses.

Gradually increase the amount of bran in the diet . Start with 10 grams and gradually, every two or three days, increase your daily rate of 5-10 grams. Otherwise unable to digest fat stomach (and such amount of concentrate fiber - a real shock for him!) Can rebel and be "whining."

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